Monday, June 09, 2008


I walked home from my post-race party last night. I needed the fresh air to decompress after the season, and a walk would give me some time to work off the beer I had consumed.

I've been thinking about my life and it's path again. I'm not quite as stuck as I was when I worked at MindSpring, but I've been feeling stuck again. I'm still challenged at work, but not in a good way. Right now the challenges come from our high-maintenance clients and from a couple of my co-workers. That's not the challenge I want.

I've started to wonder about moving on again.

I would probably stay in the same general arena - construction and cabinetmaking - but I need a new environment. The mood at my current job has been out of whack for the past month. Partly, I guess, because of the spectre of unemployment, but I also think the mix of people is off again.

Time to think...

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