Sunday, October 17, 2010

Small World

A little background: I used to live in Atlanta and worked at an ISP called MindSpring. I now live in Portland, Oregon and work as a cabinetmaker.

So I recently met a really cool woman here in Pdx named Julia. She and I are in the same yoga class and have met a few times through events. She rocks. She's just like me. 8^) We have a lot of interests in common and one of them is the Hong Kong actor Chow Yun Fat. So we decided to have a Chow Yun Fat film fest evening. Julia offered her house and invited a few of her female friends who she thought might be interested.

I arrived at her house and we jumped directly into conversation. Eventually her friend Dalia showed up and joined in. Dalia is a terribly interesting person. She was born in the US, but grew up Israel, and had tons and tons and tons of crazy stories to share. I sat next to her on the couch and was totally absorbed in her stories when she mentioned her son, Zohar. I shook my head and sat up straight. Julia asked me what was up. "I think I know your son, Dalia". What does he do for a living? Computer programming. Where does he live? Atlanta.

Oh. My. Gawd. I know your son. I used to work with him, waaay back in 1997 in Atlanta!

Here I am, 15 years on, living on the other side of the country, having a great girls night gab time, only to find out that the engaging woman to my left, with all the great "adult themed" stories, is the mother of a former co-worker.

Writing this now, I'm sure it doesn't seem so crazy an event to everyone else, but it was a bit of a time/space continuum warp moment for me.