Monday, May 08, 2006

Felipe’s Bar

When Luis and I started talking about giving up the bar, a lot of people told us otherwise. May is a good month because there is the annual Tuxpan Fair going on. And June is good too because that’s the month of the World Cup. You’ll have lots of people at the bar, we all believe that! You shouldn’t give up the bar! Laura said this, Felipe said this, Luis (Laura’s husband) said this. Cynthia, Sergio and Pati didn’t weigh in on the subject.

I wondered if they were right. Maybe we could make up the money we’d put into the bar. Maybe we could even come out ahead. But I’ve learned to take other people’s advice with a pound of salt here. Maybe they have ulterior motives. Maybe they want to see us lose more money. Besides, if we kept the bar, that would mean more over-priced rent, more time at the bar, more stress. That’s not the lifestyle we came here to live.

So the decision was made to drop the bar.

Then Felipe asked Luis if he thought Juan-Carlos would rent the bar to him and his dad. Luis told Felipe to ask Juan-Carlos, we wanted nothing to do with it.

This morning Felipe came to the house and told us that Juan-Carlos said he would rent the bar to Felipe. Great, replied Luis. But I know he doesn’t really feel that way, and I certainly don’t feel that way either. I hope he fails. I hope he fails big. Maybe that’s bitterness talking. Maybe it’s bitchiness. Maybe that’s unfair. Maybe that’s not being a good, loving human being. Maybe by putting these feelings out into the universe they will someday catch up with me. Maybe I will change my tune later. But that’s how I feel right now. Felipe helped screw us over with the bar, I hope karma catches up to him quickly.

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