Friday, January 01, 2016

All the potential in the world.....

There's a part of me that understands this breakup has little to do with me as *me*.  He broke up with me because he has so many problems.

[The idiot is already going out on new dates.  Why?  He says he can't stand being alone.  "If I didn't go out I'd just sit at home and wonder about my life."


Maybe that's exactly what you fucking need to do!  Sigh.

He's continuing to escape his problems.  It's a shame.  He can do better.  But he isn't.  He's afraid, and stuck to the spot he's in.  I hope his therapist can help him.  But back to me.]

I did nothing wrong.  I didn't fail in any way.  Not in terms of keeping that relationship going.  I failed in other ways, but that's for a different post.  There was nothing wrong with me.  He failed by not really examining his life before he started dating me.  He couldn't deal with being treated well.  He needs to punish himself more before he can be happy.  He probably sees breaking up with me as the nicest thing he could do for me.  And it was.  But he failed by not making a clean break, by muddying the waters long after he should have just been done with me.

And I fell for it.  For that, I'm angry at him.  As soon as he was confronted with sending mixed messages, he acknowledged what he had done and professed great distress.  I sent him an email calling him out on his shit.  I haven't heard back from him, and don't expect to.  I want to think that he is choosing not to respond for a good reason (he's never responded to my previous emails), but at this point I doubt it.

Dammit, why do I go for the guys who have "potential"?

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