Thursday, December 14, 2006


We have three bird cages here at the house. One has a bunch of chirpy little birds. The kind that seem to be constantly chatting amongst themselves about the state of their world. Noisy little things. Then there is the lone paloma (dove). I always feel sorry for her being stuck in a cage barely bigger than her body, with no other birds there to chat with. Then again, she lives near the noisy birds and maybe her solitude is a welcome relief.

Lastly there are three fancy doves, one female and two males. They seem to be always fighting each other for the female’s attention. There have been eggs laid in that cage, but never any resulting baby bird.

Until last week. One evening I walked to the bathroom and thought I heard a higher pitched chirping coming from the cage than usual. Since it was some hour in the middle of the night, I didn’t bother to check up on it. The next day the kids told me “Hay una pajarito” – there’s a baby bird. We went over to look at it. It was fairly large, although it doesn’t have feathers yet, so it looked odd. I worried about it surviving the cold nights. I thought I could maybe find a rag to put in the cage to keep it warm. Then I thought better of it and figured nature will takes it’s own way. So far, the baby is still alive.

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