Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Strangers in town

I‘ve run into three English-speaking people this evening. Two older white men in the plaza while Luis and I were eating our Bionicos (fruit and yogurt), and one potentially English-speaking black woman who walked by while we were standing outside Frogy’s talking to Joel. I found myself gazing off in her direction long after she had passed, some part of me hoping she would have recognized that I too was a stranger here and would return to talk to me. The white men walked past us and sort of looked at me oddly when they first passed by. I guess they either heard us speaking English or could see my white skin. When they passed back by, they didn’t look, but stopped to look back once they were a few steps off. I wonder if they are related to the white girl I saw in the center a week or so ago. And I wonder what the hell has brought all three of them to this small town. The woman looked fashionable – New York fashionable almost – with a long leather trench coat and an unkempt afro hairdo. Why is she here? Does she speak English or is she from a different state in Mexico where their skin is much darker? I'd love to find another English speaker here.

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