Monday, December 08, 2008

Time for a change

Everyone is feeling the pinch from this recession, it seems. Everyone at my job is now, or very soon to be, laid off. People all around me are working less or not at all.

I'm trying to look at this in a positive light. It's a great time to find a new career. I've talked to other co-workers and they've told me "you're lucky, you have other skills, this is all I know". How sad. And probably not true in one person's case.

So I'm researching crafts. I have a long history of making things by hand - stage sets, photos, paper, furniture, knitted items. Now all I have to do is figure out what to do with those skills.

In the meantime, I'll pull my weekly Unemployment Insurance benefit and try to scrape together enough money to keep the wolves at bay.

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