Friday, September 19, 2008

One fucking angry bitch

That's me. One fucking angry bitch. I've always known that I have a lot of anger, but recently it's been making itself apparent.

I was talking to Luis about the shit that is going on down in Mexico (sooo fucked up... but that is a whole 'nother entry on my blog) and we were talking about my motorcycle in Mexico. Suddenly I felt this huge flare of anger in my mind. I mean huge. Like hurricane Gustav or Ike huge. I quickly put the kaibosh (how does one spell that word???) on it, but it echoed in my head for hours afterwards. Where did that red-hot burning anger come from?

It's always been floating just under the surface. I know that. I'm pissed. About a lot of things. I think I've always been this way. But it's gotten to the point that I might actually have to Do Something about it.

I remember in high school having a fantasy that I would be given a bat and some old piece of shit car and just allowed to have at it, vent all my anger on that car. Beat it to shit.

Just writing that makes me want that fantasy to come true. So now it's time to fucking get on the program and tackle that anger, face on, full body slam, kick it's ass.

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