She's a gorgeous blue 2008 Honda Shadow. See?:

I took the motorcycle class in October, and it was great. Our teacher was a current cop, and was very strict and very funny at the same time. Luis took the class with me, although he's been driving motos for years. He did great on the class and passed the test easily. I did great in the class, passed the written test easily....
and FAILED the driving test.
I was crushed. So was my teacher. He said, "you're killing me. You're a much better driver than this test shows." So I had to suck it up, walk out of the class without my endorsement, and sign up for a re-test in December. One and a half months with no practice, and all that time to wonder how the hell I screwed up and if I would pass this next time.
On the day of the re-test, it was raining. Not just the usual Portland misty/drizzling rain - Rain rain. And me with no rain gear, just my usual jeans and leather jacket. I passed, quite ungracefully. The only comment from the testing dude: "Ahhh, all I can say is Practice. You passed."
Kinda demoralizing again. But screw it, I passed!
Four months later I bought my baby. And I'm getting used to her, getting comfortable driving her around town. Looking good and having fun....
Damn she's a beaut. I'm jellus. :)
That is so awesome. Something I have always wanted to do... so maybe that will be next on my list. Although I have to get over this RollerDerby thing first. My mom will love it... going from RollerDerby to a Motorcycle. Both are things she can not stand... poor mom!
Cool web site, I hadn't noticed chayacate.blogspot.com earlier during my searches!
Carry on the wonderful work!
Hi there,
I have a message for the webmaster/admin here at chayacate.blogspot.com.
May I use some of the information from your blog post above if I give a link back to your site?
James - send me more info on what you are interested in using this blog for. I'm open to helping you out but want to know how you plan on using it.
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