At first I narrowed it down to 100 photos. Then I cast a critical eye on those 100. I wasn't sure. Did these 10 photos hang well together? Or was this photo too weak? Did they have a cohesive feel and look? Or was I fooling myself?
I finally decided to skip the whole thing. I didn't think I had a good enough set to submit and the deadline was fast approaching anyway. But I asked my sister what she thought. She looked over some of the previous winners and said she thought I had photos that could compete. I love my sister!
I mentioned the show to Luis and he was his usual uber-supportive. He thinks I constantly short-change myself when it comes to showing off my talents, and always tells me to go for it when things like this come up.
So I took another look at the photos and here is the set I have just submitted:

I think my artist's statement is a bit weak, so I won't include it here. Hopefully I will be able to fine-tune it before the midnight deadline...
You can see the winners from last year here. Tell me what you think. Unless, of course, you think my work doesn't hold up. And wish me luck.
Regardless of the outcome, all this visual review has inspired me to pick my camera back up in earnest again. I've been distracted by the carpinteria for the past few months, so not much has been going on with the camera. Well, that and my camera took a fatal dive into a public toilet about two months ago. Not surprisingly it doesn't seem to want to work now. So I have to get it looked at. Or buy a new camera. Any suggestions for good quality digital cameras?
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